Ballet Bun
Not sure how to make a ballet bun? Check out this video here
Dress Code
Pre-Primary Ballet (for 3-5 year olds):
Any color leotard, pink footed tights, pink ballet shoes. Ballet shoes from Capezio or Bloch are recommended. Shoes from Target and Payless are not allowed. Skirts are optional. All tights are to be worn in shoes. Hair must be in a neat bun. No jewelry, except for stud earrings.
Primary, Ballet I, II, III, IV & V Levels (for ages 6 and up):
Black leotard, pink footed tights, pink ballet shoes. Ballet shoes from Capezio or Bloch are recommended. Shoes from Target are not allowed. Non-branded shoes from Amazon are not recommended. All tights are to be worn in shoes. Hair must be in a neat bun. No jewelry, except for stud earrings. Skirts are optional for Primary only.
All Level Ballet Classes for Boys:
White leotard or T-shirt, black tights or leggings, black ballet shoes. Ballet shoes from Capezio or Bloch are recommended. Shoes from Target are not allowed.
Dancewear of any color and black tap shoes. Hair must be pulled away from face and securely fastened, and no jewelry other than stud earrings are permitted.
Black leotard, leggings or jazz pants of any color, and tan jazz shoes. Hair must be pulled away from face and securely fastened, and no jewelry other than stud earrings are permitted.
Black leotard and leggings, no shoes as modern is taken barefoot. Hair must be pulled away from face and securely fastened, and no jewelry other than stud earrings are permitted.
Classroom expectations
Do not bring food or drinks into the classrooms.
There is never gum chewing in any class.
Students may bring water to drink.
Talking or any kind of disruption in the classroom will not be tolerated.
Students will not be allowed to take class without the necessary hair and attire requirements met.